Radian is a single-site high-rise located in Boston, MA, across from South Street Station and adjacent to the Rose Kennedy Greenway. Already active in the Boston market thanks to the University Park at MIT development project, Forest City was excited to tackle this well-located 12,000 square foot building site. The development partner for the project had the zoning and entitlement completed, and needed to find a team who would work cooperatively to execute an exceptional building. Forest City brought all the right skills to the table without clouding the original vision.

Because of the site’s small footprint, the Forest City team had to emphasize creativity when planning the building’s organizational structure. Undeterred by working in an unusual triangular shape, Forest City still ensured that all residential amenities were thoughtfully included. Even the parking garage received custom treatment: in order to meet building code with four stories of parking onsite, the garage was designed with a one-way ramp and stop lights on each floor to ensure safety of flow. 4500 square feet of ground-floor retail includes the award-winning restaurant, Stillwater. Innovating the 26 stories of Radian led to recognition for its remarkable architecture and LEED Gold Certification.

With Radian, Forest City created a building with remarkable long-term value, exceeding expectations in an urban market that continues to flourish. The surrounding Chinatown and Back Bay neighborhoods—as well as the Greenway steps away—provide an incredibly vibrant locale that contributes to the success of Radian. Radian stands as another example of Forest City’s ability to creatively execute high-quality, high-density residential while keeping sustainability top of mind.

Boston, MA

+ 240 luxury apartment units
+ 4,500 sq. ft. retail


Awards & Achievements