We create distinctive places that deliver sustaining value and thriving communities. Inspired by a man named Max and the friendly professionalism he was known for, we approach every project with integrity and intention.


Who we are

The Max Collaborative story begins with Forest City. A century ago, the Ratner, Miller, and Shafran families founded Forest City in Cleveland, Ohio. They became leaders in developing large-scale, mixed-use, public-private real estate in the US—and created some of the country’s most notable and transformative real estate over the past half-century.

In 2018, Forest City Realty Trust was sold, and members of the founding families re-emerged as two new real estate entities. The Max Collaborative is owned and operated by members of the Max Ratner family—and it aspires to build upon Forest City’s legacy of thoughtful, innovative, prosperous, community-centric real estate well into the next century.

Our history

What we do

Inspired by Max and the friendly professionalism he was known for, we approach every project with integrity and intention. Our spaces are designed to become homes; they are functional, timeless, and considered. We choose projects that excite us; whether luxury apartments or affordable housing initiatives, we are consistently driven to deliver inspiring spaces. Our work can be found in Cleveland, Denver, Los Angeles, and beyond.

Our Core Values


We build buildings and spaces, where people and communities flourish over time. Our practices and materials reflect that commitment.


We do what we say we will do, transparently and fairly.


We care deeply about the people we work with, their well-being and success, and the quality of our work.


The best outcomes are more possible together.